The Bible: The King James Version
I heard Kenneth Copeland say that the Bible is an atlas of life. I agree with this. Indeed, the Bible is the inspired word of God. The best seeds will produce the best harvest. It’s still alive. He will harvest immortal seeds for believers. This is an eternal commitment to life. It always sits in heaven. This is a book where you can find answers to your questions.
The word of God can change your life. To be honest, this is an atlas of life. No matter what you allow in life, you are allowing it to drive your entire life. Your entire existence, and your entire destiny. The Bible is 100% true.
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You full of lies, guess you are full of confusion, blindness, obstacles, lack, despair, and the curse of the law. You let Jesus be the master of your life. Jesus can lighten your burden and bless you with many hidden truths.
When you are full of truth. You will be full of revelation, advancement, abundance, peace, love, life, light, and more!
The Bible is a guide to how to enrich your life. It spreads to others and continues into your child’s life. It gives us a road map that guides us to go higher and higher in life. Higher and far in life.
Read: 8 Different Versions of the Bible It is an atlas of the ocean of life, and during the journey, we discovered it is also our anchor.
A sacred treasure of knowledge about who we are and who we are.
A treasure trove of wonderful books and stories that provide understanding, strength, education, declaration. Peace, liberation, redemption, wisdom, healing, growth, joy, hope, increase, progress, enrichment, protection, holiness. Direction for children and adults. Guidance, trust, love, and whatever you can think of, praise God.
In the divine inspiration of all 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. The word of God assures the believer. Because he believes in the word of the living God, he has absolute authority in life. In your lively belief in the greatest book of all time.
As I found out from my friend Dave Matthews, he said that the Bible is not just an atlas. But a historical text, a problem-solving catalog, a teaching aid for life and social studies, and a daily plan book. To meet our daily needs, and to remind us of all the important things in our lives, and more. Wow, hit him with that.
Do you respect and cherish his words? I have never done this before, but I do now! Yes, I have not valued the greatest book in history for several years. But I woke up from my deep sleep, and now I am talking about it all.
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
The Bible authorized by King James to translate in 1611-and the Bible
God has always given me spiritual opportunities through the Internet. I met my brothers in the church environment, where translate the King’s King’s Bible was promoted as the Bible. All other translations originated in the well and descended into the well. Those who spread this “faith” will refer to here as “KJV only”. They are not my target audience. This article is for those who have been told that KJV is the only legal English translation of the Bible... However, they have some lingering questions about the veracity of this position.
I don’t know anyone who has read the allowed translation of the King James Version in 1611. I don’t even see anyone who has read the allowed translation of the King James in 1611. If the “KJV only” team has this translation in their hands, they may not understand it. With some training, they will realize that something that looks like “f” is “s”. However, before long, they will encounter foreign words. Don’t understand their meanings (holpen, knop, neessing, Osee, wot, wottech, wit... just to name a few). They must translate it back to the current English. Now think about it... So that’s how it is.
The 24th,... I mean the 26th... Uh, it’s the unknown revision number of my KJV translation.
When translators of “KJV only” retranslated the “recognized text”, they called the new translation of the new “revision”. They justified the use of the word “revision” instead of “translation”. Because the manuscripts used by these new translators (revisionists?). The same as the manuscripts used by the original translators (recognized texts) in 1611.
For this article, I collected my KJV Bible and checked the “Foreword” of each book. To see what revisions I made to the original translation in 1611. Although every publisher admitted I have a revised version but did not specify the revision number... This very curious. Once (in the early 1980s), I told a “KJV only” person who he might have no. 24 (or No. 26? I don’t remember now) of the 1611 translation. He almost ran out to read the Bible preface on the blackboard. Realizing that my statement was correct, it relieved me when wild eyes refocused on the road.
So why does the editor keep the revision number on my most recent copy of KJV? Revise number become so high that you think it would be better to hide it? Not! These people are publishing... the Bible! So why is it omitted? Maybe there is a very basic reason. But first...
Anyone wants to read the 26th edition of KJV (or any current edition number)... keep reading. The church wants to use a preferred revision number as the podium bible, then there is no problem. However, if a person, church, or denomination insists. This translation or any of its dozens of revised versions is the only accurate word of God. This is a problem that must be resolved... and eliminated. The word of God is an important theological issue. God uses the word in salvation (Mal 13:1-23, 1 Peter 1:23, 24, James 1:18, etc.) and the later growth of Christians (1 Peter 2:2, Ephesians 5:26), etc. Wait.)). Putting certain doctrines into the Word of God itself is the priority. We must expose ignorance or mistakes on such an important subject.
Refusal of knowledge
Those who “only KJV”. Showed a lack of knowledge in three major research areas: textual criticism (low-level criticism), biblical language, and translation history. They do not understand the goals, history, evidence, or current status of these disciplines. Whether it’s concealing it or lack of interest, it doesn’t matter in the end. The journey of a biblical document from the pen of the original author to the copy in the hand. Can be as great as any miracle recorded on its pages. Although knowledge of the contents of the Bible is the most important, knowledge of the Bible is of secondary importance. Knowledge of the biblical language and the history of copying and dissemination of these documents. Can enhance a person’s ability to process and present their content. Knowledge, precise knowledge, is always... a good thing. “Growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).
One exception: the new King James translation
A Preface to the New King James Translation, Fifth Edition, 1994. A notable exception to we has imposed the allegations that have. The editor has stated these research fields, but it is still different from the accepted text. A publisher even included these “opposite materials” in the translated text installation. This integrity praised the editor and served the readers of the translation and its comments very well. But I feel that proponents of “KJV only”. Treat the publisher of the new King James as a wayward brother, or don’t know him at all.
I always find it interesting to listen to anyone who teaches the Bible. (whether they are believers of “KJV only”... or someone else). When explaining a verse, the preacher/teacher often uses synonyms or illustrations. To rewrite the verse to make its meaning easier to understand. The event itself It is only oral, not written. Biblical introduces are almost constantly in re-translation mode when interpreting the Bible.
When people read the various prefaces of the KJV Bible, what is striking is not just omit the revision number. For example, these publishers knew Jesus’ words in red letters were a modern invention. Many of their listeners would praise these specific words on other God-inspired materials. People read the reasons for this (and various other topics), these publishers are catering to a niche market. They don’t make bibles for this group... others will do it. I am specifying a very basic motivation here. But my Christian experience shows when money becomes part of the equation... strange things happen. “The source of all evil is the silver of love” (1 Timothy 6:10; this is not KJV, because they destroyed that verse). In any field, something destined any type of error to be short-lived.
Those who insist that KJV is the only holy word of God are asking others to accept this “belief”. “We understand that the 26th version of the original translation in 1611 (or any current version). Allowed by King James of England by God. The translators of is under guide the Holy Spirit... just like the translators of the other 25 revisions. In addition, we consider the Byzantine texts compiled by medieval theologians in recognized texts to be perfect”. Call me a fool, But I trust that “God. inspire all Scriptures..” (2Tim 3:16). Not, “the 26th revision of the King James Bible Translation in 1611... inspired by God”. I don’t want to add it to God’s Word... and present it as “Bible Faith”. This is like asking people to believe. That says the Pope’s “former cathedral” (from the throne) is the same as the word of God. Sorry, I can not do it.
In conclusion,
I don’t want to sponsor any audience that God allows me to reach. Pointless. It will never lead to spiritual prosperity. In fact, according to my experience. The mentality that led to accepting “KJV only” will not end reject textual criticism, biblical language, and translation history. They also reject and often demonize those who take part in such factual and aim research. This exposes a serious spiritual problem that these “believers” have. In several ways, clinging to mistakes can be dangerous for individuals.
Wandering beliefs, no matter how enthusiastically held or preached, are an abyss without God. Second, the Holy Spirit lives in true believers. “When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you to understand all truth” (John 16:13). The word of God so important to the entire Christian faith that no Christian can take this “KJV only” position. God does not exist or promote it by mistake. This kind of persuasion comes from the flesh (stubbornness, pride, fear, deliberate ignorance, or some poisonous combination)... or demons. Brothers, don’t give in to her. That is not God’s call to you.
Well, this is a question for the “KJV only” group (just in case you are reading). Should other cultures only read the 26th (?) revision of 1611 KJV...even if they don’t understand English? If you think about this issue... you will be entangled.
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Bible Knowledge
The supreme creator having supreme intelligence wisdom and love to think out and all life upon it have left human being in ignorance of his purpose. The purpose of their being here and the laws that would bring them the peace, happiness, joy, and everything good that men and women have been striving to attain since the beginning.
God almighty made his all-important truth accessible to all mankind. He committed his treasure house of basic knowledge to writing. He revealed that knowledge in the HOLY BIBLE. The very foundation of knowledge.His instruction book for mankind, Yet almost no one has ever found the answer that has so plainly written there. GODS divine revelation of basic needed knowledge that man is not capable of finding out for himself by any others means. GOD equipped human being with the powers and abilities to discover and use the laws of science.
But absolutely no tools or instrument of science can ever tell you if there is life after death, the purpose of you being alive, where you are going or the way to a happy, abundant and peaceful life here and now. Our scientists, our world leaders, and our statesmen failed to tell us the answer or to lead us into the universally desired peace with happiness and abundant living.
GOD wants every one of us to be happy and to enjoy an interesting life to the very full every second of it. Once we begin to understand the BIBLE, we shall come to find it the fascinating, the most interesting, as well as the most profitable and enjoyable study of our lives.
Christian books the best tools to bring God closer
This is nothing new, but people should remember all the great Christian resources within reach. I mean Christian books. When people experience things in life, whether positive or negative, there is a book to help them overcome them.
Christian books aim to convey at least one important message. We live in a world full of problems, so reading a book full of hope will only benefit your soul.
With so many books available, it may be difficult to choose where to start. First, you must decide what books you are interested in reading. Do you want a self-help book to help you develop your character or solve problems? If so, you can start a search based on that specific topic. Or maybe you want to read a book to learn more about a certain area of Christianity. Such as the life of Jesus. If so, you may find some ideas in the Bible study section of a bookstore or website. It is also possible that you just want to appreciate an excellent Christian novel with a positive theme. If this is the case, then you should check the Christian novel section for some good options.
The Bible is a reference book for understanding God. But there are books written by many talented authors that can enrich your knowledge of God. Bible study books are very popular, and every book in the Bible has at least one. They help you dig deeper into that book of the Bible so that you can understand it better. The author may have a complete series covering the entire Bible. The choices are endless.
For us, many talented Christian writers will share their life experiences with us. These can be very helpful if you or someone you know is dealing with a specific problem. These books often cover topics such as overcoming depression, finding happiness in life, emotional struggles, divorce, and marriage growth. They are an excellent resource for personal growth and can save you hours of consulting time.
The goal of most Christian books is to help readers get closer to God. This is one of the major benefits of reading these types of books; they can also touch you. An interesting thing that happened to Christians. They understand God, which makes them want more. Of course, the process of growth can only happen when you pursue growth yourself. No one can do it for you. But your goal is to get closer to God. Then, by reading everything about him and his words, you are on the right track.
Of course, it’s no secret that the Internet makes it easier to find the perfect book. All you need to do is visit the online Christian bookstore. Search for the type of book or author you are looking for, and get a lot of results. They will also organize their books by category so that you can also get high-quality advice. Sometimes you can also find “coupon codes” online to get free shipping or discounts.
To enjoy Christian books, you not only need to get self-help books. You can also enjoy an exquisite Christian novel from romance to fantasy; they are all there. If you think you don’t have enough time to read, don’t even watch TV for an hour or two a week and concentrate on reading. You may find that you prefer to read. Books can take you on great adventures. I wish you good luck in your spiritual growth efforts.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
Reading God Holy Bible Enrich Your Life
There are many ways that Christians can connect with the compassionate Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible, preaching, and other church ceremonies are traditional ways for Christians. To confirm their relationship with the merciful Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christian books are available for followers of this magnificent religion. To understand and interpret the basic principles of the religion upheld by our Lord Jesus Christ. Christian family books are outstanding for sharing with family members. Many families emphasize reading these Christian books aloud after dinner every day.
You can buy many versions of the Bible at any Christian bookstore. You can get special bibles to celebrate important family occasions. The Children’s Bible is one of the most popular Christian books in the United States. This book condenses the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ in a format that our young people can absorb. In these bibles, illustrations describing the life and times of Jesus Christ are also used.
Many Christians now turn to Christian DVDs and videos to use visual media. To enrich their experience of fellowship with God. Now you can buy all Christian goods and listen to sermons, other religious lectures in the comfort of your home. Music is also an integral part of Christianity and the Christian tradition. The church choir is one of the most famous ways to honor and thank our Lord Jesus Christ. We have received countless rich blessings through his grace. Many Christians update their beliefs and various personal religious beliefs by listening to Christian music CDs. Many websites on the Internet selling Christian CDs, books, and DVDs. The best websites that sell Christian family books and Christian music. Will highlight user ratings and popular editorial comments for all the Christian goods they sell. Some of the best Christian product websites also donate part of their profits to valuable charities.
If you visit these websites, you can also use the multi-channel search options. They provide to get the Christian books or DVDs you want. You can search for Christian products by category, subcategory, or title. This ensures that you get what you want without too much trouble. You can even scan the list of bestsellers to find Christian gift ideas to give to family or friends. You buy Christian family books on a website that sells Christian products, look for some cool bargains; these are great ways to increase your Christian book collection. Good websites that sell Christian books, CDs, and DVDs allow their customers to post reviews; some reviews are frank product ratings that can help you make a choice purchase on the site.
Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash
The Great Benefits Of Children's Bible Story Books
From a very young age, reading to our children can help them discover unfamiliar words. Help them improve their language skills. They spend good time and quiet moments with their parents. It also strengthens the relationship between the child and the parents. However you decide to use the Children’s Bible Story Book, the benefits will be even greater. Bible stories are a powerful tool to teach children about God. By helping them establish a God-centered rather than self-centered worldview. The stories of the Bible will have a positive impact on the way children think.
As a child’s reading ability improves, Bible stories can continue to play an important role in his growth. When reading stories, they will find inspiring role models. Stories are action-oriented and will focus your child’s attention on what they are reading. They will develop the habit of seeking wisdom from God when they encounter problems. Will find answers too many questions, such as why we exist and our origin. When you decide among colleagues, the Bible will be your reference. Bible stories are more than just good reading content. They designed the Bible stories to teach children how to apply biblical principles in their lives.
Of course, children’s Bible storybooks are far more than just excellent reading materials to help young people grow up. They are an active entry to learning the principles of faith. Emerging as a way of communicating and understanding God. The disciplines of prayer and Bible study will become a natural part of children’s daily lives. With a little guidance, they can understand sin and develop mindful behaviors to help their spiritual growth. An introduction to some proverbs can also inspire your children to become regular users of the Bible. Solomon wrote some valuable instructions for his children in Proverbs, which are still important today. Proverbs 3, 15, 21, and 22 good starting points.
Next time you buy any reading materials for your children, regardless of their age. You can consider using the Children’s Bible Story Book. No child is too young or too old to discover God and all the benefits that come with it.
Bibles The GOD Messages | |
GNT Good News Hardcover Bible | NKJV New King James Bible |
The Men's Bible (GNT) | CEV New Testament |
Children's Bible | GNT Good News 50th Anniversary Bible |
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
The Great Children's Bible Various Translations
The best thing parents do to their children is to teach them the good news of God. They give birthday gifts to children’s Children’s Bible. This bible was written for the younger generation to understand God’s sacrifice and teachings of hope and love. We can use it for Sunday school classes, family bible training, or church schools. Today, there are many children’s bibles.
Children’s Bibles are designed for specific age groups. Because of its color images, easier to read and understand. Some versions even have pop-up images. It aims to help and teach children to understand Jesus and have their views on Jesus. These bibles are now available in foreign languages such as Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.
The different versions of the Children’s Bible listed below:
Usborne Children’s Bible-This Bible is gain the most popular stories in the original Bible. The story comes from the New Testament and the Old Testament. This Bible has reviewed by experts and illustrated by Linda Edwards.
Eternal Children’s Bible Stories-A 512-page book designed to help children understand the Gospel of Matthew, John, Joseph, and Mark’s life. Catherine De Vries wrote. Thanks to colorful images and text, this children’s bible are easy to understand.
Lion Children’s Bible-Includes important stories from the Old Testament. The stories it contains are perfect for reading in bed and studying the Bible. We also recommended it to bring him into the church for Sunday Mass. Contains 256 pages.
Illustrated Children’s Bible-This is a written version of the Old Testament and New Testament stories. It is very suitable for reading bedtime stories and studying the Bible. Gain color images printed on glossy paper. It contains 365 pages and created by Mary Batchelor.
International Children’s Bible-Readers can understand its wording and bright and colorful images. It provides full-color maps, ICB text, and color pages. It is 1504 pages long, and the cut size of this Bible is five by eight by eight inches. You can get this Bible in almost every bookstore in the city.
The Catholic Baptismal Bible-very is good for Catholic children who have just met Jesus. This is ideal for children from six to nine years old. This is also an ideal way to teach young children the life of Jesus. It is gain Old Testament and New Testament stories, representing sacrifice, joy, love, and hope in suffering. It also includes important stories about Moses and his disciples. You can buy in bookstores.
Everyday Children’s Bible-designed to introduce young readers to inspiring stories from the New Testament. Ideal for daily reading, whether in bed, at school, or at a Sunday gathering. Contains 365 stories, easy to read. It also has handpicked color images to suit the ideal description of the New Testament story.
The famous Korean writer Aram Kang wrote beautiful Children’s Bible-The Korean version of this Bible. It contains two CDs in English and Korean and the book. With this Bible, children can learn to speak English by repeating the English of native speakers. For elementary and middle school children recommended.
Bibles The GOD Messages | |
GNT Good News Hardcover Bible | NKJV New King James Bible |
The Men's Bible (GNT) | CEV New Testament |
Children's Bible | GNT Good News 50th Anniversary Bible |
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Bible Study Blog: The Best Things to Consider When Choosing
There are several ways that you can call about reading and understanding the Bible. The first way has very little to do with other people because you may just be reading the scriptures. Have them revealed to you by the Holy Spirit of God. The second method of understanding deeper meanings of the scriptures. Spend your time in Bible study with other believers or online. Today, you can find a Christian blog where you can have Bible study and analyze scripture. Find out what different prophesies mean and what God intended for you to know in his word. The following are some top things you may want to see when choosing a bible study website.
Consider the Doctrine
You first need to know the doctrine being taught. Finding a good place to study the Bible online is much like trying to find a church. This means you need to be quite careful when selecting a bible study platform on the web. Because there are different doctrines out there. You must do everything in your power to ensure that the platform you are choosing is teaching the right doctrine. That will not steer you away from your faith. You Need to Pray
The second thing you need to do trying to find a good Bible study platform on the web is prayer. This is something many Christians talk about. But few of them do it. They do not understand that prayer is necessary. How much they have encountered unanswered prayers because they do not understand how to go about it the right way. However, this is a trick of the enemy. He can get you to feel like your prayer is useless or one of little value. You will not exercise it. You need to understand how powerful prayer is. This is how the Holy Spirit came to minister to you regarding any matter. Not excluding where to find a good Bible study blog.
American Bible Society,
Look at the Context
The Bible study is always necessary for you to view the context in which written in the scriptures. Once you find a bible study blog, it is necessary for you to check out the context. It rhymes with what is being said on the platform.
Online Community
When you want to choose such a platform, it helps to find a place. You have a community of believers that you can share with and learn from.
Photo by Phillip Goldsberry on Unsplash
Is Your Mind Sabotaging Your Relationship with God?
According to many scriptures in the Bible, God speaks to his children with a still, small voice. God isn’t going to scream at you or cause lightning to strike to make you listen to Him. No, instead, he’s going to wait until you become still and quiet. Psalms 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know God.” It’s implying that it’s through our stillness that our relationship with God becomes more intimate.
Doing Versus Being
Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha? In Luke 10, Jesus was invited to Martha’s home for dinner. Martha had chosen to serve Jesus by busily preparing her home for his comfort, yet, her sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet to learn from him. The text goes on to say that Martha got upset because Mary wasn’t helping her and she wanted Jesus to scold her. However, Jesus reprimands Martha and said “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.
Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Most of us tend to be more like Martha than Mary. Martha’s spend most of their time doing for Jesus (having meetings, attending services, singing in the choir, heading committees, making a living, etc) and not enough time just abiding (dwelling) in his presence, meditating, being still enough to listen, and being filled up by his words.
Jesus said it is only through abiding that we bear much fruit. Christian Meditation is a useful tool to assist believers in getting still before God so that they can build a relationship not based on doing, but on abiding. Abiding promotes intimacy. Intimacy involves time. It involves not only listening but getting to know the person for whom we have affections.
Saint John 15:4 declares, “Abide in me and I will abide in you.” Verse 7 says, “if you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” That means we must integrate dwelling with Christ by embracing his word. The abiding build relationship and the Word of God bring transformation. It also brings blessings our way. Just imagine the effect on the world if Christians actually took the time to linger in God’s presence!
Your Mind is Like a Garden
The Bible says, you can’t put new wine into old wine bottles or you’ll ruin the new wine! If you have corrupted thinking, you’ve got to get rid of it before you can embrace the new truth. Here is another example. Remember the parable of the sower? Your mind is like the soil in a garden. Imagine a garden plot filled with weeds, worms, snails, and the like. You take a perfectly healthy plant and place it in the middle of that garden plot. What’s going to happen to it? Is it going to continue to grow and thrive?
Absolutely not! Before long the weeds and insects are going to devour it and suck out all its nutrients. That is the same thing that happens when we try and plant new truth, God’s truth, in a mind that is tainted with faulty mindsets, past conditioning, and falsehoods. Eventually, the weeds are going to take over again.
Therefore, before we can truly embrace God’s truth we need to identify and get rid of the weeds planted in our minds: the negative thoughts and debilitating mindsets that we’ve accepted as truth. They are choking out the word of God and causing our Christian walk to be unfruitful.
If you don’t do anything about your mental garden, your mind and spirit will continue to war against each other. This is usually an unconscious pattern. For example, God’s word will tell you to give to receive, but your mind constantly tells you to hold on to everything you’ve got. Your mind tells you to always get the last word, but God says to turn the other cheek and a soft answer calms the situation. Again, your mind tells you to work hard and strive for success, yet the Bible says, seek God’s kingdom first and everything you need will be added unto you.
If you don’t address the false thinking that contradicts God’s word, you’ll continue to be what the Bible calls “double-minded” and because we continue to waiver in our desires and beliefs, we can’t receive anything from God.
It was practicing meditation integrated with the scriptures that helped me to overcome years of depression. Christ-centered meditation helped me to become still enough so that I could observe what was really going on in my mind. Until then, my mind was controlling my thoughts and ultimately my behavior. It took me being still to even realize it. But once I recognized the thoughts I was thinking I was able to challenge, alter, or eliminate them altogether.
Ongoing and consistent meditation taught me how to control my thoughts instead of allowing them to control me. We can’t change what we don’t see or acknowledge. I call it unconscious living. It’s when we continue to live on autopilot, doing the same things, the same ways without really considering whether these behaviors are working for us anymore. Our greatest inspirations and truths come during times of quietness, stillness, openness, and reflection- all components of meditation.
Ten benefits of Biblical meditation:
Relax and Quiet Your Mind
Turn off Compulsive Thinking
Understand the Scriptures More Fully
Live with More Balance in your Life Hear the Voice of God More Clearly
Live in the Present Moment
Abide in God’s Presence
Create a Greater Intimacy with God
Reduce or Eliminate Toxic Emotions like Stress, Anger, and Worry.
Observe the Thoughts You Think So You Can Challenge and Eliminate Them
Rhonda Jones, MA is the author of 23 Biblical meditation and affirmation Cds and the creator of the awarding-winning website, Visit her website to learn more about Christian meditation and its benefits and subscribe to Free Daily Christian Meditations.
- Christian Meditation Package
- Detox Your Life Now and Awaken Your Inner Spirit
- E-Junkie Christian Meditation General Merchandise
- King James Bible faith
- King James Bible faith
- The Bible Secret
Altar and Communion Covers
Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.
Learn Meditating on the Word of God
By Rhonda Jones
Meditation in the Bible usually indicated a person considering something about God and quietly focusing his mind on that truth? Perhaps the reason Christians have neglected meditation is that of the recent secularization of meditation among New Agers and other versions of eastern meditation. Meditation is an important biblical concept preceding by centuries the eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. Meditation is focused thinking about a portion of God's Word in order to hear God's voice and to apply God's truth to my life.
Meditation involves our heart and our spirit. Meditation on the word of God allows its transforming power to renew our hearts and minds. Perhaps one of the most neglected disciplines in the Christian life is that of meditation. The word of God plays a central role in meditation because it is the place where our knowledge of God originates. We must, therefore, determine to know the word of God so that we have the material we need for meditation on. Memorized Scripture plays an important role in the art of meditation.
Not all types of meditation are Christian. The goal of secular meditation is to empty the mind, the goal of godly meditation is to fill the mind with God’s truth. To put it in a succinct definition, godly meditation is the practice of filling the mind with God’s word for the purpose of applying God’s word.
Effective meditation usually happens in stillness. We know what prayer is and we know what worship is, but what really is meditation. Christian meditation is when we quietly reflect on the things of God. It is not like eastern meditation since we are always cognizant of our thoughts and we never enter into a trance-like state.
The focus of Christian meditation is always of God, something about God, or on God's care for us. So let us be willing to spend time alone in meditation. Thinking about God's word is an important part of our time of meditation. As you learn to spend time in meditation, you too will begin to see God's guidance in your life. As you learn to spend time every week in meditation, you will discover that troubles don't seem quite as big, that despair no longer feels overwhelming, and anxiety fades into the background.
What does the Bible Say about Meditation
(Ps 19:14)Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
(Jos 1:8)Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love.
(Ps 48:9)I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.
(Ps 77:12)I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.
(Ps 119:15)Though rulers sit together and slander me, your servant will meditate on your decrees.
(Ps 119:23)Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders.
(Ps 119:27)I lift up my hands to your commands, which I love, and I meditate on your decrees.
(Ps 119:48)May the arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause, but I will meditate on your precepts.
(Ps 119:97)I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.
(Ps 119:99)My eyes stay open through the watches of the night that I may meditate on your promises.
(Ps 119:148)I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.
(Ps 143:5)They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night.
The first step to increasing your faith as a believer is to learn how to meditate on God’s Word day and night. Meditating is the way to relaxation, health, freedom, creativity, contentment, silence. We must spend time in (with) God's word and give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to teach us, to reveal the unseen realm to us, to help those things become as real to us as material, seen things.
Renewing your mind until it is dominated by God's word, building your spirit until it dominates your soul and body, will not happen automatically, nor will it happen overnight. But, it will happen if you take the time and make the effort to meditate on God's word. Psalm 77 gives us good instruction on how to meditate on God. Let God's Word fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your feet.
Rhonda Jones, MA is the author of 23 Biblical meditation and affirmation Cds and the creator of the awarding-winning website. Visit her website to learn more about Christian meditation and its benefits and subscribe to Free Daily Christian Meditations.
Bible King James: Best Christian Bible
King James commissioned to be written in 1604 has become the most published book in history. Over the years many different versions of the Bible have come into existence, but none have had the influence and the staying power of the King James Version. Many would argue that it is the truest, most accurate version that has ever been translated into English.
When the Hampton Court Council was convened, they attempted to come up with the most accurate version of the Bible that was written in common English. In order to be as accurate as possible they used the Textus Receptus (Received Text) Greek texts for the New Testament translations, and the Masoretic Hebrew texts for the Old Testament. By going back to these ancient texts it was believed that they would be able to come up with an accurate translation.
The work was accomplished by 47 scholars from the Church of England, who took nearly 7 years to complete the task. They came up with a translation that has stood for centuries. Many of the more modern translations that have followed have merely been modified versions of the King James Version of the Bible.
Over the years some controversy has arisen over which is the best version of the Bible to use. Despite the many translations that are available, some of which are also translated from ancient Greek and Hebrew texts, many people believe that the King James Version is still the most accurate translation, and is the only Bible that should be used for serious study.
Despite the disagreements, most scholars will agree that the King James Version of the Bible is a very accurate translation. It’s poetic style make it one of the easiest versions to use for serious Bible verse memorization, and many of the classic Christian Hymns are verses of the King James translation that were put to music.
For serious people interested in serious Bible study, there are numerous study guides that are based on the King James translation. For instance, the Strong’s Concordance uses the King James Version for its reference points to tie to the original Greek and Hebrew words. This makes it an excellent study tool. As far as overall acceptance, you will find very few churches or denominations that do not accept the King James Version of the Bible as a legitimate translation. While other versions may or may not be accepted, the King James Version meets with almost universal acceptance in the English speaking Church.
While the debate over the accuracy of newer versions continues, one thing is clear; the Bible King James commissioned over 4 centuries ago continues to be accepted as a very accurate translation. It remains the most influential books ever.
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Religion And Techology
by Bruce Prokopets
For centuries, the systems of communications throughout the world have been swiftly evolving.
In the 1400s, the printing press created the ability for mass publication and circulation of literature, opening the door for the Christian gospel to reach around the world through books, tracts, and the Bible itself. During the late 1800s, the telegraph and the telephone were invented, further spreading the opportunities for Christian evangelism. In the mid 20th century, radio and television further advanced that possibility. Now, in the 21st century, we can literally reach millions live through streaming video. For the Christian evangelist, there is a truly awesome marriage of religion and technology.
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, Founder and Chief Prelate of Zoe Ministries is a paradigm of this shift from the pew to cyberspace. From the simple input of information into a database to carrying religion into all of the worlds through technological advances such as live streaming, Bishop Jordan has moved his ministry from drawing hundreds of people to the pews of the local church to drawing millions of people to witness and experience his prophetic ministry through the wonder of computer technology.
His Parishioners now have access to the prophetic ministry 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether through teachings and messages concerning God, spirituality, and prophecy or through the ability to purchase books, teachings, and music. According to the Bishop, "Because of the blessing that computer and Internet technology represents, my Parishioners are now only a 'click' away from God; they are only a 'click' away from the prophetic word." His outreach is truly interactive via special Faith Chat sessions during live services on Sundays, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday evenings.
Whether it is Jane Danielsen of Denmark, who views the live streaming telecasts weekly, Lillian Holmgaard of Denmark, who gathers people together in her community around the computer to view the live telecasts; Carl Ameho from South Korea who views the telecast several times throughout his day to experience the power of prophecy or Frans Zegers of the Netherlands who faithfully views the Power of Prophecy telecast, Bishop Jordan's parishioners are in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa and throughout the world.
There is a growing need for leaders in the Church to expand their ministry and to reach larger groups of people all around the world. The world is waiting eagerly to hear the spiritual truths that have been burning in the hearts and minds of many pastors, preachers, evangelists, and prophets.
People are in need of an answer, yet the fact is many do not want to physically go to church. Yet these people are hungry for the word of God. Therefore, spiritual leaders of all faiths must now open their minds to the use of the Internet, live streaming and other advanced forms of technology to get their message to the world.
If Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed were to bring their message to this day, they would use the most advanced means of technology available to communicate their message to as many people as they could reach.
There is a growing concern in urban America about the accessibility of this powerful and relatively inexpensive technology. Only 25% of African-Americans appear to be functional in the information age. This alarming figure can be attributed mainly to the fact that there are more black males in prison than in college. Many are blue-collar workers, whose jobs limit their access in the area of technology. Perhaps religion could possibly bring more exposure to the importance of computers and advanced technology to a community that has been frozen out of the information age.
If they know that their favorite preacher is available on the Internet via live streaming, and they have the ability to interact with him/her from the comfort of their home, what a milestone that could be! With the ability to download sermon messages at no charge, make online donations, and personally interact with the preacher by way of the Internet.
In the last five years, Zoe Ministries has lost 80 percent of its local congregation (pew members) but has doubled its revenue through the faithful partners worldwide who access the ministry through the most powerful means of technology available, the Internet. Religion and technology must make sense. Both areas must merge if we are going to reach the world with the gospel. To those who espouse this philosophy, the 21st century will become an age where technology is integrated into religion by allowing people to have their religious experience by way of the Internet. A "soul" used to be defined as the person we could see, but now we are discovering that a "soul" is the person whom we cannot see.
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Advantages Of Online Bible Degrees
by Laura Jones
The right Christian online Bible degrees are spirits filled programs that decide to align position itself with an Arts and Sciences curriculum; in other words, it's grounded in augmented by Christ-centered values judgments.
This is generally normal when it comes to the very best online Christian Study Program Institution offering accredited online Bible degree outline. Effective and fast degree programs offered are Associate, Bachelor and Master level degrees, and the Online University level Program is usually accredited. Resolve to align join yourself with learning academic and theoretical development grounded in Christ.
Insight: What Are The Advantages and Benefits of Online Christian Online Learning? Distance online Bible degree education is ideal for the pupil that does not have the employment schedule, travel schedule, or family circumstance for the traditional life on campus attendance involvement.
Enrollment Performance Online allows permits the pupil to study comprehend with stay-at-the home convenience while actively vigorously participating in engaging in college-level collegiate education that is based on allied with Christian values. Online Degrees Christian studies makes it convenient for new or continuing pupils learners to go to school making use of modern technology.
Completion of the degree prepares readies the graduate to assist family and community with accredited arts and sciences curriculum education and Christian principles and values. Many Christian employers businesses are recruiting for workers that have chosen to align a Christ-centered education with a particular career.
How Is Online Study Different from a Traditional On-Campus College or University? Online Studies only require a computer and Internet connection for attendance. Whereas traditional campus schedules require the pupil to attend come for a class at a time convenient to teacher and institution, Online Studies offer the same courses in a virtual classroom and a classroom schedule that is determined by decided by the pupil. Virtual classrooms permit teachers and fellow enrollees to dynamically engage in participating in a discussion as a group -within the comfort of one's predetermined home. The online Bible college university Program also offers individualized one-to-one tutoring any hour of the day or night that is received ready at the convenience of the pupil.
Job Opportunities - Just What Type Of Job Or Career Is Available to Me with an Online Christian Bible Degree? Careers and Jobs in a very wide range of choices fields are available to degree holders. These include job opportunities in Criminal Justice, Nursing, Education, Psychology, Technology, Business Administration.
Hands-on academic learning in Graphic Design, Medical Billing, Automotive Technology and Culinary Arts are also available. Find out more at the info websites mentioned here. Interested to find out more info? Log on to the websites mentioned to use a very helpful degree program matching finder for online Bible colleges.
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Was Jesus a Real Person?
For nearly two thousand years most of our world has considered Jesus a real man who had an exceptional character, leadership, and power over nature. But today some are saying he never existed.
The argument against Jesus’ existence, known as the Christ-myth theory, began seventeen centuries after Jesus is said to have walked the rocky hills of Judea.
Ellen Johnson, president of American Atheists, summarizes the Christ-myth view on CNN TV Larry King Live:
There is not one shred of secular evidence there ever was a Jesus Christ … Jesus is a compilation from other gods…who had the same origins, the same death as the mythological Jesus Christ.Johnson fired back, “There was not…there is no secular evidence that Jesus Christ ever existed.”
The stunned host, replied, “So you don’t believe there was a Jesus Christ?”
King immediately requested a commercial break. The international television audience was left wondering.[1]
In his early years as an atheist Oxford literary scholar C. S. Lewis also considered Jesus a myth, thinking all religions were simply inventions.[2]
Years later, Lewis was sitting by the fire in an Oxford dorm room with a friend he called “the hardest boiled atheist of all the atheists I ever knew.” Suddenly his friend blurted out, “The evidence for the historicity of the Gospels was really surprisingly good…It almost looks as if it had really happened once.”[3]
Lewis was stunned. His friend’s remark that there was real evidence for Jesus prompted Lewis to investigate the truth for himself. He writes about his search for truth about Jesus in his classic book Mere Christianity.
So, what evidence did Lewis’ friend discover for Jesus Christ?
Click here to read page 2 of 10 about “Was Jesus a Real Person?”
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God Command Tax and Tithes to Save us Financial Worries
The bills in our wallet, the digits in our checking accounts, cars, houses, real state, none of it belongs to us.
There are two prior claims to our money.
Tax to Government-the dreaded and universally despised taxman has a claim to our money. In fact, it is the requirement of every citizen to pay taxes he or she owes to our government. God commands it and given our ruler their authority to levy taxes. Our government whether just or unjust had the authority to collect taxes. Obey established tax laws no matter how unfair they may seem, never cheat the system.
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except God and those that exist have been instituted by God.”(Romans 13:1)
Tithes to God- we may ask at what authority can God claim a tenth of our income. God is the creator of the universe. As such; he owns everything in the world. Our maker who created the air we breathe and the water we drink, tells us it belongs to him-not us. Where does wealth really come from? All wealth ultimately comes from the ground and the entire earth beneath it.
The capacity to come up with ideas and the energy we expend during your thinking processes were created by God. He has reserved for his use only 10 percent of our income. After we have been honest in paying Gods 10 percent to his chosen representative. Our nineteenth actually does not belong to us until we have paid God his tenth. Never think to give tithes. We pay tithes; it’s not ours to give. When a person fails to pay his taxes, he has broken man’s law and comes under the penalty, probably jail. Those who break Gods law by refusing to pay his tithes come under financial and spiritual penalties-financial curses for disobeying God.
If we wholeheartedly study and implement god’s most important law on managing our finances we will experience true prosperity-guaranted.It is time tested and proven way to be confident. Content and at peace. We can be free of financial worries.
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Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.
U.S. Attorney General Ignites the Race Bomb
Let me give you a little background on Operation Fast and Furious, then I will discuss his dangerous reaction to the critics. Here is what Joel Hilliker wrote on, Nov. 2, 2011: “Last year, Mexican law enforcement, neck-deep in a war with drug cartels, noticed a strange trend and started documenting it. The data confirmed their suspicions: An alarming number of guns turning up at violent crime scenes were being traced to gun dealers in Arizona. They talked to the agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives who were assigned to Mexico, who checked into it. “Soon the scandalous truth came out. It was so shocking that the agents couldn’t believe it.
When it proved out, they were profoundly embarrassed about their country. They were deeply apologetic to their Mexican counterparts. They scrambled to distance themselves from what had happened. ‘I hope they [the Mexican police] understand that this was kept secret from most of the time, including me and my colleagues in Mexico,’ said Darren Gil, the attaché to Mexico. …
“Between September 2009 and December 2010, U.S. authorities dumbly watched—sometimes on a live video feed in Washington—as ‘straw buyers’ patronized Phoenix-area gun stores. It’s a felony to buy weapons for someone else, but they knew that’s exactly what these people—a total of 20 of them—were doing. These individuals purchased an arsenal of over 2,000 assault weapons, sniper rifles, semi-automatic pistols, and other deadly firearms. And frustrated agents were ordered to just let the weapons go as they then crossed the border into Mexico.
“Supposedly, the plan was that this flow of gun traffic would lead authorities to drug cartel honchos.” However, little or no effort was made to track the movement of guns. Since the operation began, one American border guard and hundreds of Mexicans have been killed with those guns! Mexican leaders knew nothing about this massively violent crime against their country. Now Congress is investigating this international scandal. The Republican critics have been aggressive in their questioning of Eric Holder, as they should be. They have been met with a vast cover-up, which is also a high crime.
However, it gets a lot worse! The Holder Interview, Here is what the New York Times wrote Dec. 17, 2011, concerning an interview with the attorney general: “Mr. Holder contended that many of his … critics—not only elected Republicans but also a broader universe of conservative commentators and bloggers—were … playing ‘Washington gotcha’ games, portraying them as frequently ‘conflating things, conveniently leaving some stuff out, construing things to make it seem not quite what it was’ to paint him and other department figures in the worst possible light.
“Of that group of critics, Mr. Holder said he believed that a few—the ‘more extreme segment’—were motivated by animus against Mr. Obama and that he served as a stand-in for him. ‘This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,’ he said, ‘both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American’” (emphasis added). He is viciously accusing some elected Republicans as being racists for investigating and criticizing this scandal of far-reaching magnitude.
These Republicans are supposedly motivated to do this because Eric Holder and President Obama are African-Americans. If Eric Holder has this warped racist view of some American political leaders, what does he think of many white Americans? The big issue is, what motivates the attorney general to make this racist charge? Mr. Obama has expressed no disagreement with what the attorney general has said and done regarding Operation Fast and Furious. Mr. Obama is responsible and should be held accountable for what his attorney general does. The president’s silence is deafening! And extremely dangerous!
He must agree with what his attorney general said. Does his silence also indicate that he and Eric Holder were both involved in the Operation Fast and Furious scandal? If not, why such a deadly racist reaction from his attorney general? Consequences, Racist charges against Republicans are doing frightening damage to our race relations. Unless stopped, it must lead to a racial explosion, perhaps worse than the damage of a nuclear bomb, of course, there is some racism in both blacks and whites, and we don’t take sides. But this is an extremely serious issue, and it’s coming from the highest officials in government.
That makes it 10,000 times worse. The president says nothing as his attorney general builds race hatred between whites and African-Americans. Most of the media remain silent as well, especially about Mr. Holder’s racist remark to the New York Times. Apparently, it is because they agree or fear being labeled racist. So the president and attorney general feel confident they can get away with this outrage. Republican racism has become the battle cry of the radical left—led by the president and his attorney general! Mostly that charge is untrue.
But many people are going to believe it is true and act accordingly. As the economy gets worse and people’s emotions become more heated, violent race riots are going to burst on the scene in our large cities. Do we think such hateful racist statements have no consequences? Like, little children, the radical left makes these hateful statements and doesn’t even think of the consequences—which are going to be horrendous. Bible prophecy says so, but even common sense alone should tell us that! This is not President Obama bringing us together as he pledged to do in his presidential campaign.
He is leading the way into violent divisions. And I do mean violent! If you seriously criticize the attorney general or the president, radicals often label you racist. That means they could hang the racist charge on my group—on your group—and apparently, the media would be virtually silent. Hateful racist statements inevitably lead to violent racist acts I repeat, Mr. Holder’s response to critics of Operation Fast and Furious is far worse than the scandal itself! Far worse The Bible says that God is love.
The supreme example of that love was Christ dying for all of us (John 3:16). Our politics are often filled with hatred. So we can’t call this approach Christian or biblical. If we followed Christ’s example, we would be willing to die for our fellow man, not do violence to him! Let’s not forget that Eric Holder is the chief law officer of America He would not condemn or prosecute Black Panthers for intimidating voters in the presidential election. It was clearly a constitutional crime. Again the president remained silent about Eric Holder’s decision to not prosecute racist crimes committed by black Americans.
Our attorney general condemns some Republican critics of his Fast and Furious scandal who are just doing their job, but he won’t condemn the Black Panthers’ crime against our constitution—the law of the land! How do Eric Holder’s words and deeds influence blacks who lean toward the Black Panthers? Or whites who lean toward the Ku Klux Klan? Race hatred is building fast. I believe that the radical left will do almost anything to cling to power in this coming election. Will we see some violent racial turmoil begin at that time? I believe it is very likely! All we need is another Rodney King incident to set off race riots in our cities.
The Whole Head Is Sick The Philadelphia Church of God doesn’t take sides. We teach God’s truth—His prophecies. The Prophet Isaiah tells us about the terrible times just before Christ returns in the “last days” (Isaiah 2:2). His book was written specifically for this end time (Isaiah 30:1-9). “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint” (Isaiah 1:4-5). This is talking mainly about the United States, Britain and the Jews in the Middle East.
“The whole head is sick.” God is saying the power structure (primarily white) that leads these nations of Israel is sick! And the “whole heart faint.” Neither the leaders nor their followers have the will or the strength to get to the roots of race riots or terrorist attacks and solve them once and for all (see Daniel 12:9; 9:13; and Leviticus 26:19). Their “heart” is so weak and unhealthy that the governmental system is about to “faint,” or collapse! “From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers” (Isaiah 1:6-7). “Your cities are burned”! And who does it? “Strangers [Gentiles] devour it in your presence”! This is a terrifying passage! Because of the sin these nations of Israel—mainly America and Britain—are laden with, and because of the weakness of our leaders, we will experience desolation and burning—all at the hands of “strangers.” In other words, race riots and terrorism are going to get much worse.
(If you don’t understand who the nations of Israel are, request our book The United States and Britain in Prophecy. All of our literature is free.) More and more, racial tensions are boiling to the surface in the U.S. and Britain. In February of 2011, 50 Minnesota youths entered a store, assaulted a clerk, and looted the stock. In April, a mob of 20 entered a Washington, d.c., store, grabbed about $20,000 worth of merchandise and fled. In May, a group of New York teenagers carried out a vicious attack on a restaurant. Many reports have emerged of Chicago hoodlums assaulting people unprovoked, and the videos that surface show the attacks to be, almost without exception, black on white. In June, a group of white Mississippi youths brutally beat and killed a black man.
During the Fourth of July celebration in Milwaukee, 60 young black Americans beat and robbed a small group that had been watching fireworks. Hours earlier, the same mob had robbed a convenience store, maybe two. In late July, 20 to 30 young Philadelphians beat and robbed bystanders. In August, hundreds of black youths swarmed into a Wisconsin parking lot, assaulting white fairgoers, smashing car windows, and beating passersby and police officers. The same month, across the Atlantic, Tottenham police officers shot and killed an apparently armed black man, prompting young people of all ethnicities to “demand justice” throughout London by smashing windows, torching businesses and homes, fighting police, stealing merchandise, assaulting citizens and even murdering people.
You watch: These events are going to become more and more common and destructive. Bible prophecy says so! Remember the Los Angeles riots in May 1992? They were some of the deadliest in U.S. history: Close to 60 people died in the violence. The property damage was estimated at $1 billion. This is just one example of the destructive potential of race riots and burning. Much of that cost was goods stolen by the looters. Some 40,000 jobs were lost because of the rioting. The Los Angeles police and National Guard did virtually nothing—rewarding the rioters with stolen goods and an opportunity to commit violence—even murder! Such a lack of forceful intervention greatly encourages other angry minorities to riot elsewhere! This is the truth that almost no one wants to admit or face.
Ezekiel’s Prophecy “The third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee, and I will scatter a third part into all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them” (Ezekiel 5:12). Remember, ancient Israel never received Ezekiel’s message. These prophecies in Ezekiel are for the end time. (Our booklet on Ezekiel fully explains these statements; request a free copy.) Notice that pestilence is mentioned first. At one time, we thought the pestilence would be disease resulting from the famine. In this case, the pestilence is actually the leading cause of the famine!
The word pestilence just means destruction or death (see the Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon). One definition of the root word is “to lay snares, to plot against, to destroy.” So this pestilence could be a plague of violence or burning—not necessarily a physical disease at all! It can be defined as a plague of violence or rioting—such as the Los Angeles riots in 1992 or the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks! Why would the first third be burned with fire (verse 2), if it refers to a disease epidemic? The pestilence, or plague of violence, will cause many health problems that lead to famine. Sewage disposal will be disrupted. Gas lines will be broken. Jobs will be lost. Society will unravel and the collective panic will bring a stock market disaster! It will get so bad that violence and famine will take millions of lives!
The Los Angeles rioting was just a type of what is going to happen to major cities in the whole nation! It is a stark prophecy of our future! Terrorist attacks, rioting, and burning are the main thrust of the pestilence mentioned in Ezekiel 5. And this rioting will spread to other Israelite nations! God will get our attention one way or another. The worse the violence and burning become, the worse the famine will get. The worse the famine becomes, the more intensive the violence will get. It becomes a vicious cycle. The seeds of this future calamity have already been sown. The government has lost control. There is a breakdown of law and order. When the riots in Los Angeles were at their peak, government authorities asked black sports stars and other leading blacks to plead with their people to stop the rioting.
There was virtually no show of governmental force. In the future, when this violence spreads, will this be our main hope for peace? How pathetic! We are getting dangerously close to social anarchy and chaos! It was the Rodney King court case, in which white policemen were acquitted of using excessive force in arresting a black man, that triggered the L.A. violence. Since then, there have been several more highly publicized cases of police acting against minorities, particularly in large cities like Los Angeles and New York. Serious rioting in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Bradford, England, in 2001 were also sparked by racial incidents.
The public outcry against a strong government response has been intense and sustained. Now, as a result, the police act, even more than they have feared in the past. Many policemen only feel secure if they do almost nothing. Other authorities also to act, thinking riots may be ignited in other cities. Our government is paralyzed by fear. The “whole heart” is “faint”! We no longer have control of our cities. U.S. citizens already have 200 million guns. As a result of future race riots, more guns will be sold. The people see that our government won’t protect them—and they don’t trust God to protect them either! Many think the Rodney King affair was the only reason for the 1992 rioting. That is not so.
The reaction to such a jury decision made 30 or 40 years earlier in the U.S. would still have been controlled by the police and National Guard. Trying to negotiate peace without using some force only encourages a certain criminal element in our society to riot more. Many blacks want peace, but often they have little control of the situation themselves. After the King verdict, a caravan of blacks in L.A. was going from one area to another throwing firebombs and doing much of the burning. The verdict became their excuse for defying the law. Many black people had their own property destroyed by such criminals.
Getting to know the true God is a dominant theme in the book of Ezekiel. The people of this world have many different ideas of who and what God is. But their words and actions prove they don’t know God. They must suffer and suffer until they stop rejecting God’s message. In a few short years, Ezekiel prophesied, the whole world shall come to know God! That is where everything is leading. This world is about to know God for the first time ever. (Note such verses as Ezekiel 6:7, 10; 12:15, 20; 16:62; 34:27; 37:13-14.) Before that happens to this world, God says His end-time very elect will send out a warning message.
They will declare the book of Ezekiel in its entirety, and help leads the world to get to know the true, living God. There is nothing more thrilling than truly knowing God! Racism is about to disappear from this planet forever! •Racism is an issue Americans fear to face. But racism is about to violently explode. The good news is that it will lead directly to the end of racism forever. By Gerald Flurry From the March 2012 Trumpet Print Edition »Image by
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