
God Command Tax and Tithes to Save us Financial Worries

God Command Tax and TithesHow could we have so much, yet be so unhappy? Society today has more toys and conveniences than even the richest king of antiquity ever dreamed of. Ice cubes, Ipods, eyeglasses, online banking, vacation in other part of the world, yet ironically, financial worries plaque almost everyone. It just doesn’t make sense. We probably never realized this before. But money really isn’t ours.

The bills in our wallet, the digits in our checking accounts, cars, houses, real state, none of it belongs to us.

There are two prior claims to our money.

Tax to Government-the dreaded and universally despised taxman has a claim to our money. In fact, it is the requirement of every citizen to pay taxes he or she owes to our government. God commands it and given our ruler their authority to levy taxes. Our government whether just or unjust had the authority to collect taxes. Obey established tax laws no matter how unfair they may seem, never cheat the system.

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except God and those that exist have been instituted by God.”(Romans 13:1)

Tithes to God- we may ask at what authority can God claim a tenth of our income. God is the creator of the universe. As such; he owns everything in the world. Our maker who created the air we breathe and the water we drink, tells us it belongs to him-not us. Where does wealth really come from? All wealth ultimately comes from the ground and the entire earth beneath it.

The capacity to come up with ideas and the energy we expend during your thinking processes were created by God. He has reserved for his use only 10 percent of our income. After we have been honest in paying Gods 10 percent to his chosen representative. Our nineteenth actually does not belong to us until we have paid God his tenth. Never think to give tithes. We pay tithes; it’s not ours to give. When a person fails to pay his taxes, he has broken man’s law and comes under the penalty, probably jail. Those who break Gods law by refusing to pay his tithes come under financial and spiritual penalties-financial curses for disobeying God.

If we wholeheartedly study and implement god’s most important law on managing our finances we will experience true prosperity-guaranted.It is time tested and proven way to be confident. Content and at peace. We can be free of financial worries.

Altar and Communion Covers

Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

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