
Bible Knowledge

the bible
THE HOLY BIBLE –is the most up to date book you can read. It records tomorrow’s news today. The most published and read, yet less understand the book in the world.


The supreme creator having supreme intelligence wisdom and love to think out and all life upon it have left human being in ignorance of his purpose. The purpose of their being here and the laws that would bring them the peace, happiness, joy, and everything good that men and women have been striving to attain since the beginning.

God almighty made his all-important truth accessible to all mankind. He committed his treasure house of basic knowledge to writing. He revealed that knowledge in the HOLY BIBLE. The very foundation of knowledge.His instruction book for mankind, Yet almost no one has ever found the answer that has so plainly written there. GODS divine revelation of basic needed knowledge that man is not capable of finding out for himself by any others means. GOD equipped human being with the powers and abilities to discover and use the laws of science.

But absolutely no tools or instrument of science can ever tell you if there is life after death, the purpose of you being alive, where you are going or the way to a happy, abundant and peaceful life here and now. Our scientists, our world leaders, and our statesmen failed to tell us the answer or to lead us into the universally desired peace with happiness and abundant living.

GOD wants every one of us to be happy and to enjoy an interesting life to the very full every second of it. Once we begin to understand the BIBLE, we shall come to find it the fascinating, the most interesting, as well as the most profitable and enjoyable study of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Bible stands for, Be Inform Before Leaving Earth(BIBLE).When we talk about bible I always choose King James version, its 100% free from erratic translation and omission of truth



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