Showing posts with label Gods Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gods Word. Show all posts

Learn Meditating on the Word of God

How do Christians meditate on the Word of God?

By Rhonda Jones

Meditation in the Bible usually indicated a person considering something about God and quietly focusing his mind on that truth? Perhaps the reason Christians have neglected meditation is that of the recent secularization of meditation among New Agers and other versions of eastern meditation. Meditation is an important biblical concept preceding by centuries the eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. Meditation is focused thinking about a portion of God's Word in order to hear God's voice and to apply God's truth to my life.

Meditation involves our heart and our spirit. Meditation on the word of God allows its transforming power to renew our hearts and minds. Perhaps one of the most neglected disciplines in the Christian life is that of meditation. The word of God plays a central role in meditation because it is the place where our knowledge of God originates. We must, therefore, determine to know the word of God so that we have the material we need for meditation on. Memorized Scripture plays an important role in the art of meditation.

Not all types of meditation are Christian. The goal of secular meditation is to empty the mind, the goal of godly meditation is to fill the mind with God’s truth.  To put it in a succinct definition, godly meditation is the practice of filling the mind with God’s word for the purpose of applying God’s word.

Effective meditation usually happens in stillness. We know what prayer is and we know what worship is, but what really is meditation. Christian meditation is when we quietly reflect on the things of God. It is not like eastern meditation since we are always cognizant of our thoughts and we never enter into a trance-like state.

The focus of Christian meditation is always of God, something about God, or on God's care for us. So let us be willing to spend time alone in meditation. Thinking about God's word is an important part of our time of meditation. As you learn to spend time in meditation, you too will begin to see God's guidance in your life. As you learn to spend time every week in meditation, you will discover that troubles don't seem quite as big, that despair no longer feels overwhelming, and anxiety fades into the background.

What does the Bible Say about Meditation

(Ps 19:14)Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.

(Jos 1:8)Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love.

(Ps 48:9)I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.

(Ps 77:12)I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.

(Ps 119:15)Though rulers sit together and slander me, your servant will meditate on your decrees.

(Ps 119:23)Let me understand the teaching of your precepts; then I will meditate on your wonders.

(Ps 119:27)I lift up my hands to your commands, which I love, and I meditate on your decrees.

(Ps 119:48)May the arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause, but I will meditate on your precepts.

(Ps 119:97)I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.

(Ps 119:99)My eyes stay open through the watches of the night that I may meditate on your promises.

(Ps 119:148)I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.

(Ps 143:5)They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law, he meditates day and night.

The first step to increasing your faith as a believer is to learn how to meditate on God’s Word day and night. Meditating is the way to relaxation, health, freedom, creativity, contentment, silence. We must spend time in (with) God's word and give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to teach us, to reveal the unseen realm to us, to help those things become as real to us as material, seen things.

Renewing your mind until it is dominated by God's word, building your spirit until it dominates your soul and body, will not happen automatically, nor will it happen overnight. But, it will happen if you take the time and make the effort to meditate on God's word.  Psalm 77 gives us good instruction on how to meditate on God. Let God's Word fill your memory, rule your heart, and guide your feet.

Rhonda Jones, MA is the author of 23 Biblical meditation and affirmation Cds and the creator of the awarding-winning website. Visit her website to learn more about Christian meditation and its benefits and subscribe to Free Daily Christian Meditations.

Searching for Silence in a Noisy World

by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

When was the last time you were surrounded by silence? It seems that background noise is an ever-present reality of our world. The T.V. and radio are our constant companions. Our children play with electronic toys that beep and wail at the push of a button. Our streets are full of roaring engines, tooting horns, and the pounding of construction. At night, we may run a fan or have an air conditioner humming in the background. We do not even sleep in silence. The sounds of nature and indeed the sounds of our own mind are drowned out by the constant din.

Religion And Techology

Religion And Technology

by Bruce Prokopets

For centuries, the systems of communications throughout the world have been swiftly evolving.

In the 1400s, the printing press created the ability for mass publication and circulation of literature, opening the door for the Christian gospel to reach around the world through books, tracts, and the Bible itself. During the late 1800s, the telegraph and the telephone were invented, further spreading the opportunities for Christian evangelism. In the mid 20th century, radio and television further advanced that possibility. Now, in the 21st century, we can literally reach millions live through streaming video. For the Christian evangelist, there is a truly awesome marriage of religion and technology.

Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, Founder and Chief Prelate of Zoe Ministries is a paradigm of this shift from the pew to cyberspace. From the simple input of information into a database to carrying religion into all of the worlds through technological advances such as live streaming, Bishop Jordan has moved his ministry from drawing hundreds of people to the pews of the local church to drawing millions of people to witness and experience his prophetic ministry through the wonder of computer technology.

His Parishioners now have access to the prophetic ministry 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether through teachings and messages concerning God, spirituality, and prophecy or through the ability to purchase books, teachings, and music. According to the Bishop, "Because of the blessing that computer and Internet technology represents, my Parishioners are now only a 'click' away from God; they are only a 'click' away from the prophetic word." His outreach is truly interactive via special Faith Chat sessions during live services on Sundays, Tuesday evenings, and Thursday evenings.

Whether it is Jane Danielsen of Denmark, who views the live streaming telecasts weekly, Lillian Holmgaard of Denmark, who gathers people together in her community around the computer to view the live telecasts; Carl Ameho from South Korea who views the telecast several times throughout his day to experience the power of prophecy or Frans Zegers of the Netherlands who faithfully views the Power of Prophecy telecast, Bishop Jordan's parishioners are in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa and throughout the world.

There is a growing need for leaders in the Church to expand their ministry and to reach larger groups of people all around the world. The world is waiting eagerly to hear the spiritual truths that have been burning in the hearts and minds of many pastors, preachers, evangelists, and prophets.

People are in need of an answer, yet the fact is many do not want to physically go to church. Yet these people are hungry for the word of God. Therefore, spiritual leaders of all faiths must now open their minds to the use of the Internet, live streaming and other advanced forms of technology to get their message to the world.

If Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed were to bring their message to this day, they would use the most advanced means of technology available to communicate their message to as many people as they could reach.

There is a growing concern in urban America about the accessibility of this powerful and relatively inexpensive technology. Only 25% of African-Americans appear to be functional in the information age. This alarming figure can be attributed mainly to the fact that there are more black males in prison than in college. Many are blue-collar workers, whose jobs limit their access in the area of technology. Perhaps religion could possibly bring more exposure to the importance of computers and advanced technology to a community that has been frozen out of the information age.

If they know that their favorite preacher is available on the Internet via live streaming, and they have the ability to interact with him/her from the comfort of their home, what a milestone that could be! With the ability to download sermon messages at no charge, make online donations, and personally interact with the preacher by way of the Internet.

In the last five years, Zoe Ministries has lost 80 percent of its local congregation (pew members) but has doubled its revenue through the faithful partners worldwide who access the ministry through the most powerful means of technology available, the Internet. Religion and technology must make sense. Both areas must merge if we are going to reach the world with the gospel. To those who espouse this philosophy, the 21st century will become an age where technology is integrated into religion by allowing people to have their religious experience by way of the Internet. A "soul" used to be defined as the person we could see, but now we are discovering that a "soul" is the person whom we cannot see.

Altar and Communion Covers

Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

Advantages Of Online Bible Degrees

Advantages Of Online Bible Degrees
Advantages Of Online Bible Degrees

by Laura Jones

The right Christian online Bible degrees are spirits filled programs that decide to align position itself with an Arts and Sciences curriculum; in other words, it's grounded in augmented by Christ-centered values judgments.

This is generally normal when it comes to the very best online Christian Study Program Institution offering accredited online Bible degree outline. Effective and fast degree programs offered are Associate, Bachelor and Master level degrees, and the Online University level Program is usually accredited. Resolve to align join yourself with learning academic and theoretical development grounded in Christ.

Insight: What Are The Advantages and Benefits of Online Christian Online Learning? Distance online Bible degree education is ideal for the pupil that does not have the employment schedule, travel schedule, or family circumstance for the traditional life on campus attendance involvement.

Enrollment Performance Online allows permits the pupil to study comprehend with stay-at-the home convenience while actively vigorously participating in engaging in college-level collegiate education that is based on allied with Christian values. Online Degrees Christian studies makes it convenient for new or continuing pupils learners to go to school making use of modern technology.

Completion of the degree prepares readies the graduate to assist family and community with accredited arts and sciences curriculum education and Christian principles and values. Many Christian employers businesses are recruiting for workers that have chosen to align a Christ-centered education with a particular career.

How Is Online Study Different from a Traditional On-Campus College or University? Online Studies only require a computer and Internet connection for attendance. Whereas traditional campus schedules require the pupil to attend come for a class at a time convenient to teacher and institution, Online Studies offer the same courses in a virtual classroom and a classroom schedule that is determined by decided by the pupil. Virtual classrooms permit teachers and fellow enrollees to dynamically engage in participating in a discussion as a group -within the comfort of one's predetermined home. The online Bible college university Program also offers individualized one-to-one tutoring any hour of the day or night that is received ready at the convenience of the pupil.

Job Opportunities - Just What Type Of Job Or Career Is Available to Me with an Online Christian Bible Degree? Careers and Jobs in a very wide range of choices fields are available to degree holders. These include job opportunities in Criminal Justice, Nursing, Education, Psychology, Technology, Business Administration.

Hands-on academic learning in Graphic Design, Medical Billing, Automotive Technology and Culinary Arts are also available. Find out more at the info websites mentioned here. Interested to find out more info? Log on to the websites mentioned to use a very helpful degree program matching finder for online Bible colleges.

Abidingin God repentance

Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

Altar and Communion Covers

Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash

Was there a Da Vinci Conspiracy?

The Jesus Conspiracy
The Da Vinci Code begins with the murder of a French museum curator named Jacques Sauniere. A scholarly Harvard professor and a beautiful French cryptologist are commissioned to decipher a message left by the curator before his death. The message turns out to reveal the most profound conspiracy in the history of humankind: a cover-up of the true message of Jesus Christ by a secret arm of the Roman Catholic Church called Opus Dei.


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