Showing posts with label reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reflection. Show all posts

Prepare to lose your mind and change your life the best

change your life the best I’m not talking about lunatics, I’m talking about making original decisions. Use your brain to create a new reality by creating and holding the box of conventional reality. Lose your (old) ideas and create recent ones. For many people, living in a familiar environment is much safer than living, they still don’t understand. Even if they are unhappy.

It is common to dissatisfy with your current life and get caught up in it. Because it has become a habit. Past life is also a wonderful excuse for not changing. As we continue to empower them, we can verify all our past negative experiences, traumas, and disappointments. The problem is that as long as you remember or blame past things, events, people, or situations. It led to negative emotions in your life. You are depriving you of the right to make any changes.

You succumb to your power and deprive you of the opportunity to make changes. Most of us encounter the same problems every day when we wake up. Whether it’s money, work, stress, health, family issues, or interpersonal issues, we all return to the same mindset.

The past thoughts and feelings will only continue the present past.

All of us at the time had some kind of traumatic, shocked or negative experience. Those experiences caused strong emotional reactions. These emotional reactions produce adrenaline-related chemicals in our bodies, such as epinephrine and cortisol.

As we return to the same thoughts, problems arise as we continue to strengthen those subsequent thoughts, memories, and chemical reactions. If we do it long enough, it will become our normal state. For example, consider whether you have experienced treason. You have injured and upset for a long time. If you keep thinking about treason, then you are thinking about the past. Every memory you have will have an emotion associated with it. So when you stop in those faulty memories, you will know it again.

So your brain and body still stuck in the past because you are recreating these thoughts and feelings. If you drove by those negative thoughts, then the past is maintaining the body and brain. Remember that your brain can’t distinguish between memory and real-life; whatever emotions cause, it is now 100% true to your brain and body. It’s a vicious circle.

What will happen then?
You still stuck in the past and recreate the same thing. You reaffirm your life as you wish. Your family and friends may ask: What is this? Why do you always complain or feel sad? Why do you look so frustrated? You know inside your past and reiterate that this the person who betrayed him. Because of the action, So continue to keep his condition and his life forever!

How do you change?
Work hard to change your way of reasoning. Break the pressure of the past. Find a new mindset long enough to change your regular state to something different. If your life is going well, it will be much easier to forget the past and move on. However, if you are not satisfied with the state of affairs in your life. It will trap you in old emotional cycles, which driven by negative logic processes. There are many times in our lives when we are not aware of our lives based on experience.

Subconscious choices, ways of reasoning, and speaking require time and energy to change. For example, when we feel stressed if we are familiar with it. We may see that, we always say. It stresses us, showing pressure, speaking stress, strengthening others we stress, and other people who may also be stressed. People hanging out together. Emphasize! If we always stress we are always, no one will be alien to us. You will appear sad because you are strange. That is why this work requires conscious effort. You must teach you another way of reflection and appreciation. Make your mind think in a wholly fresh way.

How to make original decisions and build a healthy mindset?
Here are some tips to help you change lives by making unique choices and choosing original ideas:

Create Thinking Diary.
Write all negative thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and beliefs you don’t want to live anymore. Surprised, and how you speak: What word do you use, what do you always say? Remember this every day so you can avoid repeating old ways of meditation. In your dream diary, write the new positive thoughts, affirmations, and beliefs you want to develop. Take time every day to write to them and repeat them in your head until your brain is familiar with them.

Take time every day to meditate and teach your body unfamiliar emotions and thoughts. Sit until you welcome these fresh feelings in your body. What suggests like a newcomer is a key to change.

Before you start each day, imagine how your day will develop and get ready. For example, watching yourself relax, doing everything all day, and becoming a happy, active, and communicative person., you are connecting another way of reflection, appreciation. and acting to your brain. If you work daily and are full of energy and passion, then you will change reality. Creating an unknown future begins by making unconventional choices.
7 best things adults and children need to do when staying together at home

If you want to get rid of the past, it must prepare you to change your way of reason. The unknown future is not scary, it is full of magic and everything you want to create!

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Prepare to lose your mind and change your life the best

The Philippines Holy Week or "Semana Santa"

Semana Santa

The Philippines Holy Week or "Semana Santa"

Holy Week or "Semana Santa" the sacred spiritual holiday observed in the Philippines. While an earlier colony of Spain over three centuries. The country's traditions influenced by Spanish culture.

Countries Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Philippines reflecting "Semana Santa" or Holy Week. While the Western cultures give more emphasis on bringing back to the life of Jesus Christ (Easter Sunday). Holy Week is a time of reflection, repentance, and prayer. It starts from Palm Sunday on-going toward Easter Sunday.


The Philippines a Catholic country with 92% Christian population. Thus, 81% belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The remaining 11% goes to other independent religious groups. Not surprising the whole week Pilipino people went home taking an interest in the company holiday. A four-day weekend holiday from Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday.


The celebration Semana Santa in the Philippines regarded upon as a street performance for visitors. Multiple crucifixions with people getting themselves nailed to the cross. Marathon chants start from Monday ending Friday with people praying, singing, and chanting wish to Jesus Christ 24 hours. A multitude of flagellation on the Northern part of Luzon. Many people are busy creating their sacred floats for the caravan. These owned by affluent members of the society handed from earlier generations to the next generations.


The statue in the carriage is being maintained in impeccable status with excellent design. The society maintains that these figures guided them to a comfortable and bountiful life. Processions start Wednesday, expected one during good Friday as people in the city or town attending. One can understand a hostile atmosphere with priests go on praying and the crowd followed. Most Catholics are forbidden to drink liquor and cheerful this time. Those who are fasting and abstaining gain full force as a part of their sacrifice.


Easter Sunday morning ushers in a wondrous celebration of joy and festivity. On the Easter Sunday morning a welcome church services. The members clad in Catholic costumes and girls in angel attire. A sight to behold as people will witness a girl plays an angel bearing good news that Jesus has risen again. This whole week spectacle draws thousands of local participants and tourist spectators.


Semana Santa is an important part to take part for being a Filipino Catholic devotee. People believe to let as it signifies the start of reflection, repentance needed to become a better person.

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