Showing posts with label Semana Santa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Semana Santa. Show all posts

The Philippines Holy Week or "Semana Santa"

Semana Santa

The Philippines Holy Week or "Semana Santa"

Holy Week or "Semana Santa" the sacred spiritual holiday observed in the Philippines. While an earlier colony of Spain over three centuries. The country's traditions influenced by Spanish culture.

Countries Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Philippines reflecting "Semana Santa" or Holy Week. While the Western cultures give more emphasis on bringing back to the life of Jesus Christ (Easter Sunday). Holy Week is a time of reflection, repentance, and prayer. It starts from Palm Sunday on-going toward Easter Sunday.


The Philippines a Catholic country with 92% Christian population. Thus, 81% belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The remaining 11% goes to other independent religious groups. Not surprising the whole week Pilipino people went home taking an interest in the company holiday. A four-day weekend holiday from Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday.


The celebration Semana Santa in the Philippines regarded upon as a street performance for visitors. Multiple crucifixions with people getting themselves nailed to the cross. Marathon chants start from Monday ending Friday with people praying, singing, and chanting wish to Jesus Christ 24 hours. A multitude of flagellation on the Northern part of Luzon. Many people are busy creating their sacred floats for the caravan. These owned by affluent members of the society handed from earlier generations to the next generations.


The statue in the carriage is being maintained in impeccable status with excellent design. The society maintains that these figures guided them to a comfortable and bountiful life. Processions start Wednesday, expected one during good Friday as people in the city or town attending. One can understand a hostile atmosphere with priests go on praying and the crowd followed. Most Catholics are forbidden to drink liquor and cheerful this time. Those who are fasting and abstaining gain full force as a part of their sacrifice.


Easter Sunday morning ushers in a wondrous celebration of joy and festivity. On the Easter Sunday morning a welcome church services. The members clad in Catholic costumes and girls in angel attire. A sight to behold as people will witness a girl plays an angel bearing good news that Jesus has risen again. This whole week spectacle draws thousands of local participants and tourist spectators.


Semana Santa is an important part to take part for being a Filipino Catholic devotee. People believe to let as it signifies the start of reflection, repentance needed to become a better person.

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