Showing posts with label Holy Week. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Week. Show all posts

Understand Why Good Friday Is Good for Us

What are the benefits of Good Friday? This is a question that many of us may ask. Every Good Friday is a dark day because it commemorates the day Jesus died for our sins on the cross. But a bright day in other respects because Jesus’ death and resurrection at Easter paved the way for us. Restore of relationships with God. This good news that Jesus asked us to spread but to understand this good news. People must understand the risky news that called our sin and humanity. We see we are slaves of sin, the good news of liberation justified.

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The Hebrew book foretells that we can live by trusting in God. The father of our faith is Abraham. His faith in God made him “right” prior God. Because of this justice, God protects his family because they grew up in one country, the Israelites. Moses was the first official leader to prove his worship, culture, and law. God wrote the way God for Moses, including speaking to Moses in the Ten Commandments.

These rules teach Israel how to live. They forced to protect Israel from leaving God and protect them from destroying themselves and others. The purpose of these rules is don’t to replace faith, but when Jesus comes. These rules are much important than faith, mercy, and grace. Rules are much important than people. Jesus didn’t come to cancel the law, but to realize Abraham became he believed in God.

2.36' x 3.54' Christ Descent from the Cross icon mount paper

The good news of salvation is the cornerstone of Happy Easter. To appreciate the joy of Easter, we must appreciate what Jesus experienced on Good Friday. Sin must punish because God is a righteous God who demands justice and hates sin. Because he hates the sin, he wants to re-setup love relationships with us. Someone has to pay the price for our sins.

In the Old Testament era, sin paid for by sacrificing animals. Animals must be pure in the minds of the priests. Which leads to the market in the temple where animals considered being perfect sacrifices. That was the market where Jesus toppled the table and expelled moneychangers. When he placed his palm on an animal, the priest transmitted sin to the animal. The death of the animal cleared people’s sins.

Here is a problem. These sacrifices repeat each time a man commits a crime. Because the priests are men and they stand guilty. God wants the final sacrifice to complete the plan he has restored for us. The perfect sacrifice to do his plan is Jesus Christ, who became the perfect victim of his innocent nature.

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We cannot underestimate the importance Jesus had for us on the cross. Prior he died, we separated from God. Alone the high priest can approach God in the Holy Place. A priest enters a year on the Day of Atonement. The death of Jesus destroyed the veil that separated the saint from the saints. He provided a way for us to reconcile with Him. Jesus removes obstacles for anyone who wants to know and worship God. We can serve the Lord and live in Him.

When we accept what Christ did for us on Good Friday, we leave the black hole our sinful, earthly life. This may be a battle we cannot fight alone. Holy Spirit will help us, but other Christians ready to fight us. The author book of Hebrews stated in Hebrews 10:24-25 that we shouldn’t ignore our meetings with people. Encourage each people to follow, that the second coming of Christ. A close communal around Jesus, but those who believe Jesus is the Lord and the Savior rejected by unbelievers. Hebrew writers encourage prior believers to remind them that God doesn’t give up on them. Our believers today can have faith in our hope because God doesn’t abandon his people.

Important that believers come together to worship God. Our goal is don’t to do one. As part of a church protects our fellowship with God. But a key part of how God has matured us and transformed us into his image. Part of this transformation includes faith in Jesus, what he did for us on Good Friday.

The numbers have strength. Meeting with other Christians will strengthen our faith and enable us to do much for God. Every one of us can encourage someone, a family member, a friend, a colleague, an occasional acquaintance, or a stranger. We can encourage others to move sure in the face of difficulties. By worshipping with other Christians, we can celebrate the Eucharist and remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

Unless we have encouraged our Christian compatriots, we cannot keep our faith. Jesus encouraged his disciples the old followers. When we sin, true believers don’t see another way, as God cannot and won’t ignore sin. Because Jesus did for us, we can have eternal life. Unlike the Israelites in the Old Testament, we can contact God. The sacrifice of Jesus means that as long as we confess our sins. Ask God to forgive us, we don’t sense guilty of sin.

Great church useful for people and families. It is worth finding a church where leaders and members love God. Believe and teach His Word, but kindness, accept, and don’t to judge. They use the truth to express the grace, and they committed to serving the needs of others. The purpose of why God designed the church, why people, same Pope Francis tried to bring the church to the root. Jesus took back the roots through his sacrifice on the cross. My friend, one of the reasons why Good Friday is good for us.

The Christian life base on God’s promise. These commitments fall into two categories:

1. Unconditional: They promised without exception. A good example is that God promised Abraham to bless families on earth. Jesus descent from Abraham and fulfilled this promise because believers can save on Good Friday.

2. Conditional: These commitments have certain conditions. A good example is Jesus’ commitment to his disciples if they wait in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit come to them. We can make this promise as human beings because we cannot control everything.

The truth of the cross is that God remembers the crimes that each believer committed or will commit. (no matter how small) and punishes Jesus as our substitute for them. A righteousness of Jesus given to us so we have no disability to God. God forgot our sins because Jesus took care of us. The fine paid, so our guilty debt has forgiven.

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God promised in Hebrews 10:17-18, if we acknowledge and believe in Him in faith, He will forgive our sins. The keyword is “faith.” People have a great assertion of faith, but don’t accept. If believers have received God’s Word in their hearts, their lives are consistent with God’s life plan. For example, believe forgiveness of sin requires us to live our lives in a specific way. When we live in our hearts in God’s forgiveness, we are active and full of hope. Our hope of forgiveness comes from suffering from Good Friday.

I want to end my views with the story of a boy who is visiting his grandparents. They gave him a slingshot to play in the woods. He practiced in the forest but couldn’t reach the goal. A little discouraged; he goes back to dinner.

When he walked back, he saw Grandma’s duck. Because of the urge, he flew away, slammed into the duck square in the head, and killed. He shocked and troubled. In a panic, he hid dead ducks in a pile of firewood and his sister knows. Nenette had seen, but she said nothing.

After lunch, my grandmother said: Nenette, let’s wash the dishes. But Nenette said: Grandma, Emilio told me that today I want to help the kitchen, right, Emilio? She whispered: “Remember Live, duck?” Emilio washed the dishes. Later, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing. Grandma said: I’m sorry, but I need Nenette to help prepare dinner. But Nenette laughed and said: Well, it’s okay because Emilio told me he wanted to Help. Whispered again, “Remember ducks?” Then Nenette went fishing and Emilio stayed.

After Emilio had done his homework and Nenette for a few days, he couldn’t withstand much longer. He came to Grandma and admitted that he had killed the duck. She knelt, hug it, and said. My dear, I realize, you know, I’m standing by the window. I noticed everything, but because I love you, so I forgive you. But doubt how long Nenette represent a slave to you.

Jesus Christ alike a grandmother standing by the window. He saw our sins, but because he made the final sacrifice with his blood. Christ accepts the sinner and takes care of our sins. Another justification why Good Friday is good for us.

Every year, Good Friday arrives. What is the day to commemorate the terrible torture and execution of Jesus on the Roman cross?


Discover What Is Good for Good Friday?

It is not surprising that the day Jesus crucified will call "Good Friday." Does it show strange that Christians call it "Good Friday?" On that Friday, we commemorated that Jesus deprived, spat, beaten, laughed, and nailed to his dead cross. This is a terrible experience, a shocking spectacle. Peoples, who care Jesus say such terrible day in his life?

The four Gospels (records of Jesus' life and ministry), we told of a man named Barabbas who imprisoned with Jesus. Barabbas is not a good person. He arrested for taking part in the murder of the executioner. He has a long criminal record. Barabbas sat on death row with two other convicted people. The three men knew on Friday morning. They will take to a famous mountain on the outskirts of the city and crucified.

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The famous Rabbi Jesus arrest and thrown together with these prisoners. Pilate, the official in charge of the case of Jesus, understood from the beginning. The religious leader who had brought him to Jesus wanted him to kill. To avoid crucifying a person who did not find a mistake (Luke 23:21). Pilate appealed to the crowd gathered in the street. He proposed to release one prisoner and give them what they appear to be the truth.

He proposed to release them, Barabbas or Jesus. What much obvious Jesus' goodness is the sin of Barabbas? Jesus is famous; Barabbas is notorious. For Pilate's shock, the crowd chose Barabbas. As if to verify his answer, he asked them what they wanted him to do with Jesus. They shouted: "Cross him! Crucify!" Then he did it.

Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

The Bible doesn't tell us how strong the prisoners awareness the arrangement with Pilate and people on the street. They are close enough to the crowd but will not allow Pilate to talk to the crowd. Think of it. In his cell, Barabbas tried the crowd calling his name. Can't you see him cheering? "What's going on?" he pondered. But the next thing he overheard was that the crowd sang: "Cross him! Crucify him!" I can't prepare for what happened next.

A security guard walks in, decorates him, and takes him outside to tell him: “Leave you here, you are free.” Maybe it was a few minutes later, hours or days later when he heard the rest of the story. But no one understood the goodness of Barabbas' Good Friday., Jesus occupied his place on the cross that day. Barabbas is a symbol of every sinner.

Enter Barabbas's shoes and you can experience the goodness of Good Friday. Those shoes much better than you realize. The good news of Good Friday. Jesus took my position on the cross that day. I am the one who sentences to death for my sins (Romans 3:23, 6:23). The message of the gospel (good news) is: Jesus subjected to whole kinds of temptations, unlike you and me. We overcome these temptations; and with its unique purity, Jesus pays for everything our moral defects. The price (Hebrews 4:15, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 3:8).

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A tragedy that the Son of God was so abused. Tortured by this injustice. Jesus did not suffer and did not die for it. He died for us. And you and I are nothing! If you abuse, he knows, if you suffer from injustice, he knows. He has agreed to our experience. He doesn't consider he is higher than that (Philippians 2:5-8).

Sin is a biblical term, and many people consider uncomfortable today. This means we have not fulfilled God's will. Sin is the fault of our world. If we don't have a crime, this planet will be heaven. Most of us will anger by the sins of others because sinners are worse than our sinners. Jesus called us, honest with ourselves and treat our sinful state with God. His task is not to condemn us but to save us. The popular verses following John 3:16 are those of Jesus. God didn't send his Son into the world to condemn the world. But to save the world through Him (John 3:17). This Jesus did on Good Friday!

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At the end of his life, the author of the song "Amazing Grace" John Newton said. Although my memory failed, I remember two things. I am a renowned sinner, and Christ is a great "Savior". God hopes we recognize the two truths. May God let us see and embrace and celebrate Good Friday.

(All verses come from new international version).

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Good for Good Friday
Good for Good Friday

Good Friday: Reflecting And Contemplating Future Day In Life

“The cross of Christ is the gateway to heaven, the key to heaven, the fall of the devil. The height of mankind, the comfort of imprisonment, and the reward for our freedom.” Christ cross a guarantee of our faith and a guarantee of the throne of our hope and love. This God’s mercy and evidence of forgiveness.

Do you follow Jesus on the cross with joy, hope, and faith? Monastery Rupert De Deutz, 12th century:

A friend suggested Good Friday the day to turn to God. This the day of crucifixion when one person suffered so many practical predictions. I agree with her view. Spend time on Good Friday, pray and show in your life. The painful day begins in a garden, Thursday night and ends on the cross on Good Friday.

2.36' x 3.54' Christ Descent from the Cross icon mount paper

We endure personal pain, suffering. The people we love are sick. Our world has experienced severe climate changes, economic and political chaos, and these have provided warm prayers. For God, we promise.

Prior this Good Friday, I will meditate to give up the pain and sadness, and a broken heartbreak. I will give an inherent ritual for my wife, who has an unknown ailment. She is overcoming this possibility, she has a strong belief in God.

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Prayer/Meditation to the Archangel:

  • A good day familiar with rituals. I plan a treatment ritual
  • Look for Raphael’s help and another ritual for the four angels>
  • Raphael, angels healed by heart, body, soul, and soul
  • Gabriel Angels communicate, understand and realize the clarity of intention
  • Michael - Angel protects himself from invisible and negative forces or energy
  • Uriel: Protecting Angels, Light, Love, and Power
  • Your guardian angel.
This can be as simple as lighting a candle, placing fresh plants or flowers on the table. Contemplate what you are praying. Prepare for a quiet place and solemn contemplation. Peaceful place. Write your intention. Good Friday is a solemn day. Try to arrange your prayers/ceremonies 3 pm local time. The website on the Internet guided by meditation of the archangels.

Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

Excerpt from Ken Gardner’s Friday Prayer “Father, in your hands, I praise my spirit.” We arrived the last moment of Christ’s earthly life; by the perfect human life. Commemorate your identity as we are. We have to face it. At any place, Jesus faces something similar. Hunger, thirsty, tired, miserable, don’t understand, give up, deny, betray. He died.

Do you know how amazing? God, we adore, we are Christians, and our God knows the touch of death. For any time recollect of it. We have a fact that knows God who died. Everything that happens to us in our lives, we can go to our God, our Jesus, and say. Lord, life is unfair, life hurt. He replied, I know, that’s why it happened to us. When he died, Christ showed a profound key principle.

I give you pain and misery. Please give me your healing light so my heart, body, and soul will be complete again. Fill my heart with love and help me learn to forgive because you forgave me…

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BF Moss Bonnie MOs wrote that motivates and motivates her readers to explore the depths of their hearts and make a difference in this world. She based on her personal experience and her interest in spirituality.

The Philippines Holy Week or "Semana Santa"

Semana Santa

The Philippines Holy Week or "Semana Santa"

Holy Week or "Semana Santa" the sacred spiritual holiday observed in the Philippines. While an earlier colony of Spain over three centuries. The country's traditions influenced by Spanish culture.

Countries Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Philippines reflecting "Semana Santa" or Holy Week. While the Western cultures give more emphasis on bringing back to the life of Jesus Christ (Easter Sunday). Holy Week is a time of reflection, repentance, and prayer. It starts from Palm Sunday on-going toward Easter Sunday.


The Philippines a Catholic country with 92% Christian population. Thus, 81% belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The remaining 11% goes to other independent religious groups. Not surprising the whole week Pilipino people went home taking an interest in the company holiday. A four-day weekend holiday from Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday.


The celebration Semana Santa in the Philippines regarded upon as a street performance for visitors. Multiple crucifixions with people getting themselves nailed to the cross. Marathon chants start from Monday ending Friday with people praying, singing, and chanting wish to Jesus Christ 24 hours. A multitude of flagellation on the Northern part of Luzon. Many people are busy creating their sacred floats for the caravan. These owned by affluent members of the society handed from earlier generations to the next generations.


The statue in the carriage is being maintained in impeccable status with excellent design. The society maintains that these figures guided them to a comfortable and bountiful life. Processions start Wednesday, expected one during good Friday as people in the city or town attending. One can understand a hostile atmosphere with priests go on praying and the crowd followed. Most Catholics are forbidden to drink liquor and cheerful this time. Those who are fasting and abstaining gain full force as a part of their sacrifice.


Easter Sunday morning ushers in a wondrous celebration of joy and festivity. On the Easter Sunday morning a welcome church services. The members clad in Catholic costumes and girls in angel attire. A sight to behold as people will witness a girl plays an angel bearing good news that Jesus has risen again. This whole week spectacle draws thousands of local participants and tourist spectators.


Semana Santa is an important part to take part for being a Filipino Catholic devotee. People believe to let as it signifies the start of reflection, repentance needed to become a better person.

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Church Supplies- Ecclesiastical items and Church supplies that can be used during Church service, the Holy Liturgy or to decorate the interior of a church.

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